2012 Elite Olympic Lifting Meet
2012 South Texas Open
The 2012 South Texas Open! It will again be held at Break Away Speed in Houston Texas. The date is August 11th, 2012.
Lock And Load 2012
Please visit the below link to sign up for the 2012 Lock And Load Championships to be contested May 19 2012 in Van Alstyne Texas.
Please contact Tom Witherspoon or Richard Flemming if you would like to send your registration by mail: http://2012lockandload.eventbee.com
Weightlifting meet May 14th
Lock and Load Weightlifting Invitational
The Best little meet in Texas. This is a great meet with great people.
Texas state championships!
The Texas state meet has been scheduled! I hear it is going to be big so you won’t want to miss it.
The meet will be January 15-16 at Alvin high school in Alvin TX.
Date: October 23, 2010.
CrossFit Bay Area and Team Texas Weightlifting would like to invite you to our first annual Weightlifting Meet on October 23, 2010. We have put this together for anyone that needs to qualify for the American Open, December 10-12, 2010, or anyone that just wants to lift some heavy weights!! The meet will be run in our gym with a BBQ to follow, for fun and fellowship. There are two entry forms attached below, please choose the one that is appropriate for you or your lifter.
Copperhead Weightlifting Invitational
Date: October 16, 2010.
Sponsored by Spoon Barbell Club, Sanctioned by USA Weightlifting at the Van Alstyne Fine Arts Center. Download the entry form for more info.