Records: Texas_State_Records
Results: Texas_State_Results
If it's heavy, and in Texas, we're picking it up.
Records: Texas_State_Records
Results: Texas_State_Results
2013 Texas State Weightlifting Championship And Open Entry Form
Rules For 2013 Texas State Championships And Open Team Event
Copperhead Weightlifting Championship Entry Form
Spoon Barbell Club is hosting the 2012 Copperhead Weightlifting Championships September 29 at the barn in Van Alstyne. Early registration is now open via the website at the link below. Attached is the paper format for those interested in registering that way.
Also, up to the minute updates will be released to the Facebook event site
Hope to see you all there!
Robert Sirkis
The 2012 South Texas Open! It will again be held at Break Away Speed in Houston Texas. The date is August 11th, 2012.
Please visit the below link to sign up for the 2012 Lock And Load Championships to be contested May 19 2012 in Van Alstyne Texas.
Please contact Tom Witherspoon or Richard Flemming if you would like to send your registration by mail:
Lock and Load Weightlifting Invitational
The Best little meet in Texas. This is a great meet with great people.